I feel sorry for those poor souls who love God so much they insist on believing in the Biblical story of creation. While one hand expresses love for their creator the other throws away his greatest gift: reason. For these souls of deep but misplaced loyalty I have some good news. Evolution is the better story. You don't have to throw away the Bible. God waits until the time is ripe before He shows us new truths. To everything there is a season. Good design is simplicity that works. Evolution is so simple it can be explained to a child in a few minutes but it took centuries to figure it out. It's self adjusting for a changing world and creates incredibly robust diversity. It favors things that can handle information better. Things like brains. Like Man. It is such good design it's more than that: It's divine design. Watch just about any nature show nowadays and after they show you all the clever wonderful things nature has they invariable end it with how this is all in peril because of the evil hand of mankind. I hold an opposite view. Mankind is the finest creature that God has produced and will ultimately save life on Earth .Consider first what life is: Life is self replicating information. Information that becomes more sopisticated by the devine hand that designed the mechanism of evolution itself. A grand design that led to Mankind after working for billions of years in a universe where a devine hand ensured such a long incubation period was possible. Mankind is the best information processor on Earth. For most of the history of life information was locked into the genes and change only happened to that information with a new generation. With man information now travels independent of the genes , changing with the speed of thought. Ideas themselves are a new kind of evolution, a new kind of self replicator , what we'd call a meme. It is the source of culture or progress with almost a life of its own. It is a new, higher, level of evolution, far faster , more flexible than the old gene mechanism and people are its master! Someday the sun is going to expand and burn the Earth. It's a long way off. However I believe by then the desendents of mankind will have moved on to other stars ,if not galaxies , by then. Most of the life on Earth will go with them. Far from being the enemy of nature the decendents of Mankind will save it from this bitter end. I was lucky enough to experiance in my own lifetime Mankind making its first step upon another world . No other creature on this planet even got close to doing that. The last event of equal importance happened 400 million years ago when life moved from sea to land. I'm saddened by our timid withdraw from the surface of the moon but believe mankind will eventually return to do more and greater things. It is our second level of evolution that will lead life itself to inherit the stars, if it has not done so already elsewhere in the universe.
The Church of Socrates Islam: Evil in the name of God Capitalism: God's Unseen Hand |