“Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain”. It's quite common to interpret that as meaning “Don't cuss about God!”, as if The Master Of Space And Time is going to suddenly stop what He's doing and smite the offending cur. Consider a more reasonable meaning. It means “Don't do evil and then say you are doing it for God”. Evil things like slavery. Like claiming lies for the faith are rightous or murdering people who don't follow your version of God merely because they disagree. I mention these things because they are all attributes of a wicked religion : Islam. Most Americans are reasonably people. They see religion as a personal thing , little different than a simple choice, like what flavor of ice creme you prefer. They are innocent of understanding just how deeply evil Islam is. Innocent of the threat it poses not only to America but to the entire world. They can't believe that Islam allows no room for compromise or reform. Americans can't believe Islam's followers are commanded to lie , kill and anything else in service to their evil God. Americans can't believe Mozlems will ruthlessly and without the slightest remorse pursue their wicked vision until everyone, everywhere , is Islamic. America had it's wake up call on 911, but it went back to sleep . A slumber so complete they voted a sympathizer into the White House itself. It is them or us. You have no other choice.
to fight a monster called Islam Yet they dare not name this ruthless beast the evil so called “Religion of Peace" And so our best must fight an enemy without name hobbled by rules that make them blind and lame “War on terror”, “Workplace violence” too many names they use to fool us Just because they worship a God We must respect their evil fraud As the enemy fights his forever war His countless evils have become a bore We pretend they're good and invite them in And act in shock when they commit their sins The world will never have peace until the day This evil religion finally goes away |
![]() Profit of Prophets: A Novel Evolution: The next level Capitalism: God's Unseen Hand ![]() |